Résultats de votre recherche

    19 Résultats
  • Edouard Neviaski - General Manager, BU Global Energy Management - a reçu un diplôme de ENSTA Paris.
  • Marc Guedon - Chief Purchasing Officer - a reçu un diplôme de ENSTA Paris.
    Valeo - Automobile - France
  • Mohamed El Kettani - Chairman of the Board & Chief Executive Officer - a reçu un diplôme de ENSTA Paris.
    Attijariwafa Bank - Banque - Maroc
  • Mohamed El Kettani - Director - a reçu un diplôme de ENSTA Paris.
    Attijari Bank Tunisia - Banque - Tunisie
  • David Quancard - Member of the Executive Committee and Executive Vice President, Operations and Performance - a reçu un diplôme de ENSTA Paris.
    Naval Group - Défense & Espace - France
  • Philippe Laufer - Executive Vice President, 3DS Global Brands - a reçu un Master in Production Engineering de ENSTA Paris.
    Dassault Systemes - Logiciels - France
  • Mohamed El Kettani - Director - a reçu un diplôme de ENSTA Paris.
    Attijariwafa Bank Egypt - Banque - Egypte
  • Mohamed El Kettani - Member of the Supervisory Board - a reçu un diplôme de ENSTA Paris.
    Wafasalaf - Banque - Maroc
  • Mohamed El Kettani - Chairman of the Board - a reçu un diplôme de ENSTA Paris.
    Attijariwafa Bank Europe - Banque - France
  • Edouard Neviaski - Chairman of the Board - a reçu un diplôme de ENSTA Paris.
    Engie Global Markets - Energie - France
  • Pierre Verzat - Chief Executive Officer - has a Master of Engineering from ENSTA Paris and Master of Engineering from Ecole Polytechnique of Paris.
    Didier Traube - Chief Executive Officer, France - a reçu un diplôme de ENSTA Paris.
    Systra Group - Transport terrestre - France
  • Christophe Daleux - Projects Director - a reçu un diplôme de ENSTA Paris.
    Verspieren - Assurance - France
  • Mohamed El Kettani - Director - a reçu un diplôme de ENSTA Paris.
    Wafa Assurance - Assurance - Maroc
  • Hervé Guillou - Director - a reçu un Bachelor in Atomic Engineering de ENSTA Paris.
    Pierre Verzat - Independent Director - has a Master of Engineering from ENSTA Paris and Master of Engineering from Ecole Polytechnique of Paris.
    Exail Technologies - Equipements Industriels - France
  • Stephane Pain - Technology and Digital Director - has a Master of Engineering Degree in Computer Science and Production Systems Management from ENSTA Paris and Advanced Master of Science Degree in Engineering and Science from Polytechnic University.
    Heineken France - Boissons - France
  • Hervé Guillou - Chairman of the Board - a reçu un Bachelor in Atomic Engineering de ENSTA Paris.
  • Cyril Rousseau - General Manager of Finance - a reçu un diplôme de ENSTA Paris.
    EIB - Banque - Luxembourg
  • Edouard Neviaski - Chief Executive Officer - a reçu un diplôme de ENSTA Paris.
    Engie Global Energy Management & Sales - Energie - France
  • François Sterin - Chief Operating Officer - a reçu un Degree in Telecoms and Electrical Engineering de ENSTA Paris.

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