Résultats de votre recherche

    10 Résultats
  • Jean-Pierre Sbraire - Chief Financial Officer - a reçu un Master in Finance and Economics de IFP School.
    TotalEnergies - Pétrole & Gaz - France
  • Xavier Pontone - General Manager, Benelux Industries - a reçu un Master of Science in Engineering Oil and Gas de IFP School.
    Air Liquide - Chimie - France
  • Inji Charkani - Chief Product Design and Innovation Officer - a reçu un Quantitative Modelling, Statistical Modelling applied to Energy de IFP School.
    Axa Partners - Assurance - France
  • Manoelle Lepoutre - Independent Director - a reçu un diplôme de IFP School.
    Eramet - Mines - France
  • Pierre Cotin - Chief Commercial Officer - a reçu un diplôme de IFP School.
  • Tom Ellacott - Senior Vice President of Corporate Research - has a Master of Oil and Gas Economics and Corporate Finance from IFP School and Master of Molecular Medicine from University of Cambridge.
    Wood Mackenzie - Consulting - Royaume—Uni
  • Natacha Cambriels - Executive Director, Liquid Gas - a reçu un Master's degree, Petroleum Economics and management de IFP School.
    Butagaz - Pétrole & Gaz - France
  • Alexis Gourlier - Chief Operating Officer - has a Master of Science in Energy Economics from IFP School and Master of Science in Project Management from France's School for Energy and Health Technology.
    Engie Entreprises et Collectivités - Services aux collectivités - France
  • Evangelos Georigadis - Group Chief Technology Officer - a reçu un Master of Science in Internal Combustion Engines de IFP School.
    Dinex - Automobile - Danemark
  • Stephane Deblaise - Chief Executive Officer - a reçu un Master in Petroleum and Engines de IFP School.
    Renault Korea - Automobile - Corée du Sud

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