Résultats de votre recherche

    6 Résultats
  • Cristiano Amon - Director - a reçu un Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering de University of Campinas in Sao Paulo.
  • Cristiano Amon - President and Chief Executive Officer - a reçu un Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering de University of Campinas in Sao Paulo.
  • Antonio Kandir - Independent Director - has a Master in Economics from University of Campinas in Sao Paulo and Bachelor in Production Engineering from Polytechnic School.
  • Antonio Kandir - Independent Director - has a Master in Economics from University of Campinas in Sao Paulo and Bachelor in Production Engineering from Polytechnic School.
    Gol Linhas Aereas Inteligentes - Compagnies aériennes - Bresil
  • Antônio Kandir - Independent Director - has a Master in Economics from University of Campinas in Sao Paulo and Bachelor in Production Engineering from Polytechnic School.
    MRV - Immobilier - Bresil
  • Antonio Kandir - Independent Director - has a Master in Economics from University of Campinas in Sao Paulo and Bachelor in Production Engineering from Polytechnic School.
    Inter&Co - Holding - Bresil

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