Résultats de votre recherche

  • Alexander Lacik - President and Chief Executive Officer - a reçu un Bachelor of Business Administration, Entrepreneurship/Entrepreneurial Studies de Växjö University.
    Pandora Group - Luxe - Danemark
  • Mikael Rubensson - Vice President, Information Technology, Group Operations - a reçu un Bachelor of Science in Business Logistics de Växjö University.
  • Fredric Fagerberg - Chief Executive Officer - a reçu un diplôme de Växjö University.
    Ackurat - Plastiques - Suède
  • Görgen Johansson - Senior Vice President and Head of Business Area, Dynamics - a reçu un diplôme de Växjö University.
  • Ann-Sofie Räftegard - Senior Vice President of Human Resources - a reçu un Bachelor of Arts in Human Resources de Växjö University.
    Volvo Construction Equipment - Gros matériels électriques - Belgique
  • Fredric Fagerberg - Chief Executive Officer, Ackurat - a reçu un diplôme de Växjö University.
  • Jessica Svensson - Global Head of Co-Worker Communication and Content Hub - a reçu un Master in Marketing and Management de Växjö University.
    Ingka Centres - Ameublement - Suède
  • Ellinor Persdotter Nilsson - Chief Commercial Officer - a reçu un Master of Business in Economics and Logistics de Växjö University.
    Musti Group - Distribution - Finlande
  • Martin Hag - Head of Sweden - a reçu un Bachelor in Entrepreneurship and Business Development de Växjö University.
    Balder - Immobilier - Suède
  • Karin Dahlstrom - Head of Advanced Industrials - a reçu un diplôme de Växjö University.
  • Vladimir Egert - Vice President of Procurement - a reçu un Master de Växjö University.
  • Florence Gani - Marketing Manager - a reçu un Master of Social Sciences in Business Administration and Total Quality Management de Växjö University.
  • Kristoffer Magneteg - Global Business Area Manager, Livingroom - a reçu un diplôme de Växjö University.
    Ikea Range - Ameublement - Pays—Bas
  • Patrik Hedin - Vice President and Head of Division Autonomy and Connectivity - a reçu un Degree in Telecom de Växjö University.
  • Peter Karlsson - President, Södra Skog - a reçu un Master of Business Administration de Växjö University.
    Cristian Brolin - Chief Digital Officer - has a Bachelor of Applied Science in Computer Science from Växjö University and Bachelor of Applied Science in Computer Science from Emporia State University.
  • Lars Lundstrom - Head of Business Integration Management - a reçu un diplôme de Växjö University.
  • Pernilla Walfridsson - Chief Financial Officer - a reçu un Master of Business Administration de Växjö University.
    Clas Ohlson - Distribution - Suède
  • Petra Sjögeras - Head of Nordic Region - a reçu un International Business Administration Degree de Växjö University.
    Northern Trust EMEA - Banque - Royaume—Uni
  • Hanne Karoline Kræmer - Chief Executive Officer - a reçu un Civil Economist, Organization and Marketing Degree de Växjö University.
    SpareBank 1 Nord-Norge - Banque - Norvège
  • Johannes Lind-Widestam - Chief Executive Officer and President - a reçu un Bachelor in Business Administration de Växjö University.
  • Therese Rudolphson - Head of Group Accounting - a reçu un Master of Business Administration in Accounting de Växjö University.
    Hilding Anders - Ameublement - Suède
  • Johan Fälth - Sales and Marketing Director - a reçu un Master of Business Administration de Växjö University.
  • Ellinor Persdotter Nilsson - Director - a reçu un Master of Business in Economics and Logistics de Växjö University.
    Oriola - Distribution - Finlande
  • Gert Gustafsson - Chief Operating Officer - has a Master in Business Administration from Växjö University and Bachelor’s Degree, Electonic Engineering and Telecommunication from Högskolan Väst.
    Vitec Software - Logiciels - Suède
  • Stefan Ekstrand - Chief Executive Officer of Elajo Technology Solutions - a reçu un Bachelor of Science in Computer Science de Växjö University.

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