With over 360 million companies worldwide, identifying the most influential ones is essential. This article highlights 10,300 elite companies sourced from 19 prestigious lists, including the Global Fortune 500, Euro Stoxx 600, and Nikkei 225. Why are these lists so important? Curated by reputable publishers, they are invaluable for identifying key companies that may not… More
Read more...Organizational Trends: Emerging Titans and Resistant Old Guard

In the ever-evolving landscape of organizational structures, agility reigns supreme. Every twelve months, an astonishing 40% of executives within medium and large companies undergo shifts in job titles, showcasing the fluidity and adaptability inherent in modern corporate environments. These shifts, driven by a myriad of factors including internal promotions, external hires, and resignations, present a… More
Read more...The Rising Demand for Executives

Despite widespread cost-cutting, the demand for executives is increasing, underscoring the continued importance of their roles within medium and large companies worldwide. Evolution of corporate ranks The number of executives in corporate leadership has surged, with a 9% increase in 2022 followed by a subsequent 4% rise in 2023. The N-2 roles (reporting to an… More
Read more...Matching Two Databases on Company Names

5 minutes’ reading – Download or Print Keeping your data lake up to date with information on decision makers, potential needs, and financials databases is an incredibly valuable tool to bolster your customer database and deepen your understanding of the market. The good news is that you’ve already identified the top data sources for your… More
Read more...Chief Transformation Officers are Steering to the Top

Print or Download For many companies, changing course is often urgent. However, transforming a company is never easy. According to BCG, “up to seven in ten company transformations fall short of their goals”. It is a long journey that involves reinventing the business, changing mindsets, and pivoting the organization. According to McKinsey, “the chief transformation… More
Read more...Growing (and Shrinking) Functions at the Top

Print or Download Confronting challenges that are rapidly evolving and others that are newly emerging, the world’s largest companies have understandably adjusted their C-suites to align their executive management teams for organizational success amidst these challenges. Over the past four years, we have carefully observed some profound and significant changes in C-suites at the world’s… More
Read more...Newcomers and Promotions at the Top

Print or Download C-suite roles are highly coveted positions in global business. To fill these important positions, companies sometimes pursue new hires from outside their organizations, and they sometimes promote talent internally. We assessed C-suite executives from the 500 companies that comprise the 2021 edition of the Global Fortune 500. C-suite executives at these companies… More
Read more...The Corporate Power School Ranking

Where did the top decision makers of the largest companies go to college? Print or download The largest 500 companies in the world that comprise the Global Fortune 500 employ thousands of executives around the world. Have you ever wondered what academic affiliations and degrees these executives obtained on their way to the top? We… More
Read more...The Most Popular College Degrees in the C-Suite

Print or Download Decision-makers in medium and large companies mostly hold Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees: While management, science, and engineering, are leading degrees among today’s executives, the academic specialties at the top of today’s corporate organizational charts are diverse: This diversity reflects the wide-ranging areas of expertise required to handle the daily challenges that confront… More
Read more...Five Strategies to Expand Your Leadership

Boris Groysberg and Katherine Connolly BadenHarvard Business School Print or download Even in the best times, executives routinely experience some level of challenge with skill obsolescence. Organizational leaderships keeps evolving This is simply the nature of organizational leadership in the 21st century; some skills necessary to do the job evolve, change, or sometimes become obsolete… More
Read more...Corporate Board Members: Myths vs. Facts

Print or Download Boards of directors are elected by the company’s shareholders to supervise their company’s key officers. As such, for many, becoming a corporate director exemplifies a pinnacle career accomplishment. At least lately, however, the reality of being a corporate director varies considerable with its long-standing perceptions. The perception of a corporate director… More
Read more...Pandemic’s Impact on Executive Skills

Boris Groysberg and Katherine Connolly Baden Harvard Business School September 29, 2021 Print or Download Executives are always striving to stay relevant, now and in the future. It is a crucial aspect of managing a career and developing professionally. What has recently been upended, however, is the backdrop against which executives are trying to maintain… More
Read more...What Makes a Strong Organizational Chart?

Organization charts are detailed directories of an organization’s design, including names, positions held, responsibilities, contact details and reporting lines within the organization. They are sometimes enriched with photos, information about ongoing projects, performance, experiences, or skills. 1. Share A great company organizational chart provides a visualization of an organization’s complex structure. They are easy to… More
Read more...How Can I Leverage the Global Fortune 500 List?

Being an employee or a vendor of a Global Fortune 500 company is widely perceived as a badge of honor. But it is not the only such prestigious list of corporations. We have selected 20 highly prestigious company lists. Our most popular lists in 2020 were: UnicornsRussell 3000Global Forbes 2000Global Fortune 500Euro Stoxx 600 These… More
Read more...Five (Recent) Corporate Organizational Trends

The pandemic has forced companies to accelerate their transformation. “We have done in two weeks what we thought was impossible in two years” is common feedback. To cope with groundbreaking situations, companies have had to move (very) fast. Over the past several months, companies have been reviewing their business models and their priorities. They are… More
Read more...Appreciation for Data Analytics Twice That of Artificial Intelligence in B2B Sales

Data analytics and artificial intelligence have been the most hyped tools for B2B selling activities over the last two years. Yet, benefiting from data analytics and artificial intelligence projects remain a lengthy journey. This article highlights the daily experience of 400 highly successful senior executives at medium and large companies with data analytics and artificial… More
Read more...How Sales Executives are Mastering B2B Sales Conversations

The ongoing Covid-19 pandemic is having a nearly universal detrimental impact on all industries, including business-to-business (B2B) sales, which likely will not return to normal for quite a while. Some contend they may never return ever to normal, at least as we knew them before the pandemic. This article covers high-level B2B sales between sales… More
Read more...Covid-19 is not the only Force Altering B2B Sales

The ongoing Covid-19 pandemic is likely to prove one of the costliest developments in history, likely costing between $1 trillion and $2 trillion, according to United Nations and other estimates. Like most industries, those engaged in business-to-business (B2B) sales are identifying new ways to conduct their business, including remote and other means of communicating, until… More
Read more...The World’s 12 Best Company Lists

There are 800 million registered companies in the world with one or more employees. That’s an incredibly large number. Over the years, various stock exchanges, analysts and media outlets have sought to organize these companies into lists based on their various common denominators. Here is my (arbitrary) selection of what I consider the world’s 12… More
Read more...Account-Based Marketing 2.0

This year, US business to business online sales will top $9 trillion. Nearly every company engaged in this large and growing sector would likely acknowledge that the key to its past growth owes much to the emergence of account-based marketing. Every indication shows that account-based marketing will remain a centerpiece to exploding sales in the… More