Résultats de votre recherche

    24 Résultats
  • Alex Ktenidis - Director of Digital Trading and Legal Protection - has a Bachelor of Science in International Business and German from Birmingham University and Programme Degree in Chinese Business and Mandarin from Fudan University.
    Allianz Commercial UK - Assurance - Royaume—Uni
  • Tom Wakefield - Global Chief Executive Officer - a reçu un Bachelor of Science in Geography de Birmingham University.
    Gallagher Re - Réassurance - Royaume—Uni
  • John Abbott - Independent Director - a reçu un Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering de Birmingham University.
  • Nick Kitching - Group Head of Corporate Governance and Regulatory Affairs - a reçu un Bachelor of Science, Social and Economic History de Birmingham University.
    Athora - Assurance - Irlande
  • Neville Smith - Managing Director, South East Asia - Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia and Philippines - has a degree in Electronic and Computer Engineering from Birmingham University and Master of Business Administration from Cranfield University.
    Atos Asia Pacific - Sociétés de Services - Singapour
  • Caroline Browne - Group Finance Director - a reçu un Bachelor of Science in Biological Sciences de Birmingham University.
    Watches of Switzerland Group - Luxe - Suisse
  • Andy Hopwood - Independent Non-Executive Director - a reçu un Degree in Chemical Engineering de Birmingham University.
    Harbour Energy - Pétrole & Gaz - Royaume—Uni
  • Nick Coulter - Head of Platforms Partnerships - a reçu un Master of Science de Birmingham University.
  • John Abbott - Director - a reçu un Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering de Birmingham University.
    Healthcare Realty Trust - Immobilier - Etats—Unis
  • Alexander Harrison - Chief Operating Officer and Country Manager Singapore - a reçu un Bachelor of Science in Chemistry de Birmingham University.
    Barclays Asia Pacific - Banque - Hong—Kong
  • Andy Rugeroni - Senior Principal - a reçu un Bachelor of Arts in Hispanic Studies de Birmingham University.
    Daggerwing Group - Consulting - Etats—Unis
  • Yasmine Riechers - Senior Vice President, Corporate Development - has a Master of Science in International Business from Birmingham University and Bachelor of Science in Economics from Universität Paderborn.
    Sennheiser Asia - Electronique Grand Public - Singapour
  • Nick Eatock - Chief Executive Officer and Executive Chairman of the Board - a reçu un Bachellor of Science in Commerce and Accounting de Birmingham University.
    IntelliFlo - Logiciels - Royaume—Uni
  • Elizabeth Surkovic - Independent Non-Executive Director - a reçu un Bachelor of Science in Biochemistry de Birmingham University.
    Impax Environmental Markets - Fond - Royaume—Uni
  • John Abbott - Director - a reçu un Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering de Birmingham University.
    Matrix Solutions - Services environmentaux - Canada
  • Nick Ogden - Group Financial Director - a reçu un Degree in Money, Banking and Finance de Birmingham University.
    Norman Hay - Chimie - Royaume—Uni
  • John Kearon - Founder and President - a reçu un Bachelor of Laws in Politics de Birmingham University.
  • Robert Hawkes - Finance Partner - a reçu un Bachelor of Science in Mathematics de Birmingham University.
    Barnett Waddingham - Consulting - Royaume—Uni
  • Ian Cleminson - Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer - a reçu un Master of Social Science Degree de Birmingham University.
    Innospec - Chimie - Etats—Unis
  • Mike Dodd - Sales Director - a reçu un Bachelor of Arts in Modern Languages de Birmingham University.
    Pittards - Textiles - Royaume—Uni
  • Julian Masters - Managing Partner, Financial Services and Media - a reçu un Degree in Economics de Birmingham University.
    Bowmark Capital - Fond - Royaume—Uni
  • Michael Watson - Director - a reçu un Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery de Birmingham University.
    Meissa Vaccines - Pharmacie - Etats—Unis
  • Paul Hastings - Senior Vice President of Global Sales - a reçu un Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy de Birmingham University.
    Whip Media Group - Logiciels - Etats—Unis
  • John Abbott - Director - a reçu un Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering de Birmingham University.
    Odyssey Marine Exploration - Métaux précieux et minéraux - Etats—Unis

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