Résultats de votre recherche

    5 Résultats
  • Guillemette Picard - Vice President of Production Technology - a reçu un Doctor of Philosophy in Statistical Physics, Soft condensed matter de ESPCI Paris.
    Ubisoft Entertainment - Jeux vidéo - France
  • Erwoan Pezron - Senior Vice President, High-Performance Polymers - a reçu un PhD in Physical Chemistry de ESPCI Paris.
    Arkema - Chimie - France
  • David Meneses - Executive Vice President, People and Sustainability - a reçu un Master in Chemical Engineering de ESPCI Paris.
    Plastic Omnium - Plastiques - France
  • Nicolas Serre - Chief Technology Officer - a reçu un Master of Engineering in Physics de ESPCI Paris.
    Baobab - Assurance - France
  • Philippe Goebel - Chief Executive Officer - a reçu un Engineering Degree de ESPCI Paris.
    Total Petrochemicals France - Pétrole & Gaz - France

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