Résultats de votre recherche

    10 Résultats
  • Agathe Monpays - Managing Director - a reçu un Master in Management, Marketing and Distribution de IÉSEG School of Management.
    Leroy Merlin France - Distribution - France
  • Agathe Monpays - Managing Director, Leroy Merlin France - a reçu un Master in Management, Marketing and Distribution de IÉSEG School of Management.
    Adeo Worldwide - Distribution - France
  • Eric Trupin - Group Chief Financial Officer and Chief Information Officer - has a Master in Business Administration from IÉSEG School of Management and Bachelor of Arts in Management and Economics from University of Leeds.
    Arc International - Produits pour la maison - France
  • Marc Chochoy - Group Marketplace Director - has a Master of Sciences, Management from IÉSEG School of Management and Bachelor of Business Administration from Université de Sherbrooke.
  • Marc Rugel - Business Development Director - has a Master Of Science in Finance from IÉSEG School of Management and Master in Management from École Supérieure de Commerce Et de Management - ESCEM.
    Alquity - Holding - Royaume—Uni
  • Sebastien Ghemard - Director of Toulouse Ville - a reçu un diplôme de IÉSEG School of Management.
    SG Courtois - Banque - France
  • Philippe Gibeaux - Retirement Savings Director - a reçu un Master in Economics and Management de IÉSEG School of Management.
    Verlingue - Assurance - France
  • Jean Lacôte - Product Development Director - a reçu un Master of Science in Marketing de IÉSEG School of Management.
  • Pierre Coucke - Vice President of Power Products, Home and Distribution - a reçu un Master of Science de IÉSEG School of Management.
    Schneider Electric Belgium - Composants électriques et électroniques - Belgique
  • Jean Evrard - Group Treasurer - a reçu un Master of Science de IÉSEG School of Management.
    Exel Industries - Equipements Industriels - France

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