Résultats de votre recherche

    6 Résultats
  • Ulf Ewaldsson - President of Technology - a reçu un Master of Science in Technology and Business Management de Institute of Technology - Linköping University.
  • Patrik Gillstedt - Senior Vice President of Strategy and Growth Enablement - has a Master of Science in Industrial Engineering and Management from Institute of Technology - Linköping University and Master of Science in Political Science and Economics from Linköping University.
  • Fredrik Ruben - President - a reçu un Master of Science in Industrial Engineering and Management de Institute of Technology - Linköping University.
  • Staffan Åkesson - Chief Technology Officer - a reçu un Master of Science in Industrial Engineering and Management de Institute of Technology - Linköping University.
    Telia Sweden - Télécommunications - Suède
  • Magnus Andersson - Head of Product Management - a reçu un Master of Science de Institute of Technology - Linköping University.
    LeoVegas - Casinos - Suède
  • Fredrik Ruben - Division Chief Executive Officer, Tobii Dynavox - a reçu un Master of Science in Industrial Engineering and Management de Institute of Technology - Linköping University.

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