Résultats de votre recherche

    8 Résultats
  • Denise Malloy-Deaderick - Senior Vice President and Chief Belonging Officer - a reçu un Bachelor of Arts in General Business Finance de Texas Southern University.
  • Sharronda Hines - Talent Management and Learning Director - has a Master of Education from Texas Southern University and Bachelor of Arts from Sam Houston State University.
  • Milton Carroll - Director - a reçu un Bachelor of Science in Industrial Technology de Texas Southern University.
    Halliburton - Pétrole & Gaz - Etats—Unis
  • Gerald Smith - Director - a reçu un Bachelor of Business Administration in Finance de Texas Southern University.
  • Milton Carroll - Chairman of the Board - a reçu un Bachelor of Science in Industrial Technology de Texas Southern University.
  • Gerald Smith - Director - a reçu un Bachelor of Business Administration in Finance de Texas Southern University.
  • Phillip Boatwright - Executive Vice President of Property Management - has a Master of Business Administration in Finance and Financial Management Services from Texas Southern University and Bachelor’s Degree in Residential Sciences and Property Management from Florida State University.
    The NRP Group - Immobilier - Etats—Unis
  • Gerald Smith - Director of Financial Reporting - a reçu un Bachelor of Business Administration in Finance de Texas Southern University.

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