Résultats de votre recherche

    16 Résultats
  • Adam Vos - Senior Executive Vice President, Global Head of Markets - a reçu un Bachelor of Management in Finance and Economics de The University of Waikato.
    BNY Mellon - Banque - Etats—Unis
  • Wayne Kimber - Chief Financial Officer - a reçu un Bachelor in Business Administration de The University of Waikato.
    Acumatica - Logiciels - Etats—Unis
  • Michelle James - Chief Executive Officer - a reçu un Bachelor of Management Studies de The University of Waikato.
    AA Insurance - Assurance - Nouvelle—Zélande
  • Scott Tasker - Chief Customer Officer - a reçu un Bachelor, Forestry de The University of Waikato.
  • Matt Evans - Managing Director, Head of Europe - a reçu un Bachelor of Science in Mathematics de The University of Waikato.
    DigitalBridge Group - Logiciels - Etats—Unis
  • Laura Perrott - Global Director of Brand and Digital Marketing - a reçu un Bachelor of Communications in Marketing and Public Relations de The University of Waikato.
    Colt Technology Services - Télécommunications - Royaume—Uni
  • Heather Kean - Director, People and Culture - a reçu un BMSDomaine d’étudesHuman Resources & marketing de The University of Waikato.
    T&G Global - Agriculture - Australie
  • Peter Longdill - General Manager, Sustainability - has a PhD in Coastal Oceanography from The University of Waikato and Master of Science in Coastal Oceanography from The University of Waikato.
  • Akash Bisnath - Group Chief Financial Officer and General Manager, Perth - a reçu un diplôme de The University of Waikato.
    The Brand Agency - Communication & Ventes - Australie
  • Jeremy Young - Chief Commercial Officer - a reçu un Diploma in Management, Marketing and Related Support Services de The University of Waikato.
    Transamerica Life Bermuda - Assurance - Bermudes
  • Nia Pratiwi - Managing Director, Indonesia - a reçu un Master of Science in Management Communications de The University of Waikato.
    Edelman Asia Pacific - Communication & Ventes - Chine
  • Rangi Solomon - General Manager, Health, Safety and Environment - a reçu un diplôme de The University of Waikato.
  • Jamie Sinclair - Chief Corporate Services Officer - a reçu un Bachelor of Management Studies de The University of Waikato.
  • Mark Troughear - Chief Executive Officer - a reçu un Bachelor of Science in Marketing de The University of Waikato.
  • Marin Peplinski - Chief People Officer - has a Master in Industrial and Organizational Psychology from The University of Waikato and Bachelor of Arts in Experimental Psychology from University of South Carolina.
    Morse Micro - Semi—conducteurs - Australie
  • Dan Morrison - Territory Manager North Auckland - a reçu un Master's Degree in Botany and Plant Biology de The University of Waikato.

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