Résultats de votre recherche

    13 Résultats
  • Nicolas Marsac - Head of Structured and Trade Finance - a reçu un Master’s Degree in International Finance & Commodities Trading de Université de Bordeaux.
    Trafigura - Pétrole & Gaz - Singapour
  • Thierry Kanengieser - Senior Vice President Business Line Cabin Interior - a reçu un diplôme de Université de Bordeaux.
    Airbus Atlantic - Aéronautique - France
  • Usman Javaid - Chief Product and Marketing Officer - has a Phd from Université de Bordeaux and Master in Networks and Telecommunications from Telecom ParisTech.
    Orange Business Services - Télécommunications - France
  • Patrick Suet - Chairman of the Board - a reçu un Bachelor's degree in Law and Master's degree in History de Université de Bordeaux.
    Societe Generale Luxembourg - Banque - Luxembourg
  • Emmanuel Dussussois - Deputy Head of Automotive and Mobility Group - a reçu un Master of Advanced Studies de Université de Bordeaux.
    Crédit Agricole Consumer Finance - Banque - France
  • Philippe Clavel - Vice President of Pharmaceutical Solutions - a reçu un Doctorate de Université de Bordeaux.
    Seqens - Chimie - France
  • Thierry Meherzi - Deputy co-Director of Large Enterprises - has a Master 2 / Bordeaux Insurance Institute, Insurance law and practices from Université de Bordeaux and Master in Private Law from Université Montesquieu-Bordeaux IV.
    Verspieren - Assurance - France
  • Jean-Benoit Ritz - Chief Technology Officer - a reçu un PhD in Computational Physics de Université de Bordeaux.
  • Alexandre Shirakawa - Vice President of Engineering - a reçu un PhD in Electrical Engineering de Université de Bordeaux.
  • Julie Delecroix - Human Resources Director - has a Master in Human Resources Management and Personnel Administration from Université de Bordeaux and Master in Education and Training from Université de Poitiers.
    Smacl Assurances - Assurance - France
  • Olivier Rinaudo - Director, Quality and Reliability Engineering - has a PhD in Electronics Engineering from Université de Bordeaux and Master of Business Administration in Global Entrepreneurship from St.Edward's University.
  • David Beaino - Human Resources and Administration Manager - a reçu un Master of Business Administration de Université de Bordeaux.
    Indevco Group - Emballage - Liban
  • Thierry Darnis - Vice President of Global Operations - has a PhD in Biology and Health from Université de Bordeaux and Master in Methods, Physical Techniques and Industrial Chemistry from University Bordeaux I.
    Tissium - Biotechnologie - France

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