Résultats de votre recherche

    6 Résultats
  • Christine Dandridge - Director - a reçu un Bachelor of Science in Anthropology de University College, London.
    Fidelis Insurance - Assurance - Bermudes
  • Rajiv Modi - Director - has a Master of Science in Biochemical Engineering from University College, London and Bachelor of Technology in Chemical Engineering from Indian Institute of Technology.
    EQL Pharma - Pharmacie - Suède
  • Rajiv Modi - Chairman of the Board - has a Master of Science in Biochemical Engineering from University College, London and Bachelor of Technology in Chemical Engineering from Indian Institute of Technology.
    Cadila Pharmaceuticals - Pharmacie - Inde
  • Semiramis Paliou - Director and Chief Executive Officer - has a Master of Science in Naval Architecture from University College, London and Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering from Imperial College London.
    Diana Shipping - Maritime - Grèce
  • Anastasia Pavli - Corporate Secretary - has a Master of Laws from University College, London and Bachelor of Laws from Athens Law Faculty.
    DryShips - Maritime - Grèce
  • Christine Dandridge - Non-Executive Director - a reçu un Bachelor of Science in Anthropology de University College, London.
    Hive Aero - Assurance - Royaume—Uni

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